Collagen levels the depression in most scars from acne and other injuries. It is also injected on the lips to enhance its fullness and youthful appearance. It is also used to diminish the appearance of wrinkles around the mouth area, eyes and chin. Once injected into the skin, it will maintain its youthful effect on the skin for at least ninety days since collagen is also metabolized by the body. If the body has a fast metabolism, then the effect of collagen will also be reduced.
These collagen shots may sometimes be painful although for just a short period of time. It usually takes a week for the collagen to settle in the skin. During this period, your face may be inflamed and red, which may last for a week. Ice can be used within the next twenty four hours after treatment to soothe the skin. Do not use any other product during the recovery period since an infection might develop. When the collagen settles, the face will appear smooth visually, but rough to touch.
The price of collagen injections varies with the doctor. You are usually charged by the amount of collagen injected in cubic centimeters (cc's). The average cost for a collagen injection is $300.00 to $500.00 per injection.