'Water for Elephants' and 'Breaking Dawn' in Box Office Mojo and Fandango's 2011 Movie Preview

Box Office Mojo's 2011 Preview: Ten Miscellaneous Contenders

Water for Elephants

Water for Elephants (April 22): It's easy to dismiss Robert Pattinson as just part of the Twilight craze thanks to the poor box office performance of Remember Me last March. However, his next movie Water for Elephants is poised to be much more successful: it's helmed by blockbuster director Francis Lawrence (I Am Legend), has interesting co-stars Reese Witherspoon and Christoph Waltz and is based on a reportedly popular book.

Box Office Mojo's 2011 Preview: Sequels - Now, More Than Ever

The Twi­light Saga: Break­ing Dawn - Part 1

Like On Stranger Tides, Breaking Dawn (Part One) (Nov. 18) follows a trilogy, but one that ended on a high note: with $300.5 million, third entry Eclipse pulled off the rare feat of out-grossing the second entry New Moon. Breaking Dawn returns to the pre-Thanksgiving slot of the first Twilight and New Moon (and formerly Harry Potter), but will have the longest wait yet (17 months). Add in a reportedly mixed fan reaction to the novel and how being broken in two didn't help Deathly Hallows Part 1, and it wouldn't be surprising if interest ebbs for Breaking Dawn.

Fandango's 2011 Movie Preview

Water For Elephants

Release Date: 4/22/11
Genre: Romance, Drama
Robert Pat­tin­son takes on a non-sparkly role and joins a trav­el­ing cir­cus as its vet­eri­nar­ian. He and the star per­former (Reese With­er­spoon) fall in love, much to the dis­may of her hus­band (Christoph Waltz), the cruel head ani­mal trainer. Sara Gruen’s adapted novel exam­ines the hard­ships of being in the “most spec­tac­u­lar show on Earth.”

The Twi­light Saga: Break­ing Dawn - Part 1

Release Date: 11/18/11
Genre: Fan­tasy, Romance
Bella’s (Kristen Stew­art) choice to become a vam­pire and spend eter­nity with Edward (Robert Pat­tin­son) has some seri­ous reper­cus­sions! After plan­ning the most antic­i­pated wed­ding in all of Forks, the cou­ple has to deal with the Vol­turi, treaty com­pli­ca­tions with Jacob (Tay­lor Laut­ner) and start­ing a fam­ily of their own.

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