I just discovered a video I got of Rob during the Eclipse Premiere when he came to the bleachers side of the Premiere area. It was complete insanity over there. I was standing behind the front row and when Rob, Kristen, and Taylor pulled up people when crazy. A mother standing right near me literally shoved everyone out of the way to push her daughter to the front. While that happened I ended up getting shoved back even further so I gave up and stood on the bleachers. A very kind young girl reach back and grabbed my magazine I wanted signed and said she would get it signed for me. She ended up getting both Rob and Taylor's autograph for me! She disappeared right after so I never got to properly thank you, but she was my Twilight guardian angel for the night. There is some amazing Twilight fans out there, and this fan is example of one of them. At the end of the video you can hear me say "Omg, thank you so much" That's when I discovered my video was running instead of me actually taking pictures.
@AwesomeArianna | Via