Three Sweet Poems, and Two Not So Sweet


1) End Poem

Wherever you are today—

Is where you were meant to be;

It's where God, dotted the

'i' and the 't'…!

2) God's Angels

God asked his angels:

"Why do you look so sad?"

Responded one angel:

"Sir, we can't find the shade."

3) An Empty Space

Out of wisdom one will wait,

travel far for love; the thirst

will not kill them. When death

arrives what will you tell it—

explain: why the empty space?

Shyness and fear will not

explain your surrender to your

mysterious veil. Out of wisdom

one will wait, travel far for love;

the thirst will not kill them. But

they will find it, be it in a winter

blizzard, or a cozy restaurant.

4) Onto the Mountains

(The Andes)

I shall blend-in, into the


Into the faintest thin


of the mountains!

Like the moss on moistened


Like a leaf blown far from


(freshly fallen)!

I shall blend-in, clinging

To the mountains—

Into its faintest thin


5) Dead Children

Breaking stones—

Who breaks stones?

Only shadowy faces

With grieving bones.

I have lost my

Children to the devil—

All but one; and

Now I break stones

With a grieving face

And aging bones….

With Regards;
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