Rob talks Breaking Dawn Wedding, Best Kiss and Career After Twilight with MTV

"The Twilight Saga: Eclipse" may have sweeped the MTV Movie Awards tonight, but we're here to bring you some—perhaps—even more important information related to "Breaking Dawn." That's right, we've got wedding scoop straight from the mouth of Robert Pattinson.

We caught up with the man better known as Edward Cullen after his Movie Awards win for Best Male Performance. While he was still reveling in the excitement from taking the Golden Popcorn, he was willing to look to the future and tell us how awesome his upcoming onscreen wedding is going to be.

"It's very pretty, very sweet," he said. "Hopefully it will be good."

Apparently that adorable-looking walk down the aisle was all Kristen and not as much RPattz, he admitted.

"I didn’t really do much other than just stand there," he said with a laugh. "Which I guess is what most guys do."

And he had nothing but glowing things to say about his on- and off-screen lady love and her performance.

"She looked amazing," he said, adding that the dress looked amazing. "She got to do the whole walking down the aisle and everything."

MTV | Dailymotion
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