Most Popular Celebrities on Twitter

Here’s a list of the most popular celebrities on twitter.

Here’s a list of 10 the most popular celebrities on twitter according to stats at TwitterHolic. [TwitterHolic via Reuters]
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1. Ashton Kutcher is the most followed celebrity on Twitter with an estimated 4,477,000 followers according to
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2. Britney Spears has about 4,358,300 followers.
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3. Ellen DeGeneres has about 4,205,000 followers.
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4. President Barack Obama has about 3,256,000 followers.
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5. Oprah Winfrey has about 3,114,000 followers.
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6. John Mayer has about 3,007,000 followers.
7. Ryan Seacrest has about 2,928,000 followers.
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8. Kim Kardashian has about 2,915,000 followers.
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9. Shaquille O’Neal has about 2,814,000 followers.
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10. Ashley Tisdale has about 2,686,000 followers.

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