Here’s a list of the most popular celebrities on twitter.
Here’s a list of 10 the most popular celebrities on twitter according to stats at TwitterHolic. [TwitterHolic via Reuters]
1. Ashton Kutcher is the most followed celebrity on Twitter with an estimated 4,477,000 followers according to
2. Britney Spears has about 4,358,300 followers.
3. Ellen DeGeneres has about 4,205,000 followers.
4. President Barack Obama has about 3,256,000 followers.
5. Oprah Winfrey has about 3,114,000 followers.
6. John Mayer has about 3,007,000 followers.
7. Ryan Seacrest has about 2,928,000 followers.
8. Kim Kardashian has about 2,915,000 followers.
9. Shaquille O’Neal has about 2,814,000 followers.
10. Ashley Tisdale has about 2,686,000 followers.